Rainbow Phonics Total School Kit

Rainbow Phonics Total School Kit

Sale price$19,999.99

The Rainbow Phonics Total School kit has been curated as a complete Science of reading ecosystem. 

As with all Rainbow Phonics kits, the Teacher Planners it at the centre of this kit with multiple copies across Pre-K, K, 1st and 2nd Grade. The planners provide daily and weekly lesson plans based on the progression of The Rainbow Phonics Program. A calendar in the front plans out all the lessons for the year. Resources included are designed to work according to the daily lessons as the letters are introduced, rather than consolidated at the end of the phase. The Teacher Planner also brings in decodable readers and introduces these closely after letter sounds have been taught to apply newly learnt letter knowledge to real reading.

Decodable Readers – Partnering with Beanstalk Books has meant that Rainbow Phonics is able to offer the world’s largest range of Decodable Readers. This large kit represents exceptional value for money on the Decodable Readers. 

The Rainbow Phonics program by Junior Learning and Beanstalk Books is a systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) program designed for children in Pre-K to Grade 2 (Phases 1 to 6). It includes a progression of Common Exception Words (Heart Words) alongside letter progression, allowing children to encounter words with different spelling patterns but similar phonemes. Our program has the largest collection of decodable readers and supplementary resources – all following the progression

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